For Parents
Mar 16, 2023

Tips to Overcome Dental Anxiety in Children

Dental anxiety is a common experience for many children, use these strategies to help make their visit more comfortable.

Tips to Overcome Dental Anxiety in Children

Dental anxiety is a common experience for many children, but there are several strategies that can help them overcome their fears and feel more comfortable during dental visits here at Lil' Dente Pediatric Dentistry.

Here are some tips to consider:

Start early

It's important to establish a positive relationship between your child and pediatric dentist as early as possible. You can start by taking your child to Lil' Dente Pediatric Dentistry for regular checkups as soon as their first tooth appears

Use positive language

Avoid using negative or scary language when discussing dental visits with your child. Use positive language to help them feel more at ease

Read books or watch videos

There are many children's books and videos that are designed to help children feel more comfortable with the dentist. You can read these books with your child or watch videos together to help them feel more familiar with what to expect. Need help finding some? Give us a call and we can send some of our favorite recommendations your way!

Play dentist at home

Role-playing at home can help your child feel more comfortable with the idea of going to the dentist. You can take turns playing dentist and patient, and use a toothbrush and mirror to make it more realistic.  

Bring comfort items

Let your child bring a favorite toy or blanket to the appointment at Lil' Dente to help them feel more secure

Practice relaxation techniques

Deep breathing, visualization, and other relaxation techniques can help your child feel more calm and relaxed during dental visits.  If you incorporate these, let us know before the appointment so we can use them if your child has big emotions during the visit!

Reward positive behavior

Praise and reward your child for good behavior during dental visits. This can help reinforce positive associations with us! At the end of visits, we give prizes for the lil' kiddos but having a present come from you can make a big difference

Remember that dental anxiety is common and normal, and it may take time and patience to help your child overcome their fears. Be supportive and understanding, and work with us here at Lil' Dente Pediatric Dentistry or your child's dentist to create a plan that will help them feel more comfortable and confident.

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